Kittens, those adorable and mischievous bundles of fur, possess an innate curiosity and intelligence that make them ideal candidates for learning various tricks and behaviors. Training kittens not only provides mental stimulation but also strengthens the bond between feline and human companions. Just like puppies, kittens can be trained using positive reinforcement techniques. In this article, we will explore a range of training tricks for kittens that are not only fun but also beneficial for their development.

Training Tricks for Kittens

The Basics of Training Kittens

Before delving into specific tricks, it’s essential to understand the basics of training kittens. Here are some fundamental principles to keep in mind:

  1. Start Early: Just like human children, kittens are most receptive to learning when they are young. Begin training as early as 8 to 12 weeks old.
  2. Positive Reinforcement: Reward-based training is the most effective approach for kittens. Use treats, praise, and petting to reward desired behaviors.
  3. Short Sessions: Kittens have short attention spans. Keep training sessions brief, around 5 to 10 minutes, to prevent them from becoming bored or frustrated.
  4. Consistency: Consistency is key in training. Use the same commands and rewards consistently to avoid confusion.
  5. Patience: Kittens won’t learn overnight. Be patient and understanding as they learn at their own pace.

1. Clicker Training

Clicker Training

Clicker training is a popular method for teaching kittens tricks. It involves using a clicker to mark the exact moment a desired behavior is exhibited, followed by a reward. This technique helps kittens associate the click with positive outcomes, making learning faster.

  1. Clicker Introduction: Begin by introducing the clicker. Click and immediately offer a treat to help the kitten associate the sound with a reward.
  2. Target Training: Teach the kitten to touch a target (like a stick or your finger) with its nose. Click and reward each time the kitten touches the target.
  3. Shake Hands: Hold out your hand, and when the kitten touches it with its paw, click and reward. Gradually shape this behavior into a handshake.

2. Teaching Basic Commands

Teaching basic commands not only helps with discipline but also fosters communication between you and your kitten.

  1. Sit: Hold a treat above the kitten’s head, and as it naturally sits down to follow the treat, say “sit,” click, and reward.
  2. Come: Crouch down and call the kitten’s name followed by “come.” When the kitten approaches, click and reward.

3. Play Dead

This charming trick can be achieved with patience and consistent training.

  1. Lie Down: Start by commanding the kitten to “lie down.” Use a treat to guide the kitten into a lying position. Click and reward.
  2. Roll Over: Hold a treat close to the kitten’s nose and then move it in a circular motion, encouraging the kitten to roll over. Click and reward.

4. Jump Through a Hoop

4. Jump Through a Hoop

This trick requires some practice and coordination, but it’s impressive once your kitten masters it.

  1. Hoop Introduction: Hold a hoop on the ground and lure the kitten through it using a treat. Click and reward when the kitten goes through the hoop.
  2. Raising the Hoop: Gradually raise the hoop off the ground as the kitten becomes more comfortable, always rewarding successful attempts.

5. High-Five

A high-five is a delightful trick that showcases your kitten’s intelligence and interaction.

  1. Target Training: Use the target training technique to teach your kitten to touch your hand with its paw. Click and reward.
  2. Raise Your Hand: Hold your hand slightly higher each time, encouraging the kitten to reach upward. Click and reward when it successfully touches your hand.


Training tricks for kittens is a rewarding endeavor that strengthens the human-feline bond and provides mental stimulation for these curious creatures. Through positive reinforcement techniques, patience, and consistency, you can teach your kitten an array of tricks that not only entertain but also showcase their intelligence and capabilities. Remember to keep training sessions short, use treats and clicker training to mark desired behaviors, and most importantly, have fun while watching your kitten master new tricks.

Written by Jonas Jurgella, Animal Communication Scientist and author of the Cat Language Bible – How to finally understand and speak with your cat.